Now that everything is working, let's make sure that it stays that way!
Packages to install
There are 3 packages I recommend you'll install:
- pouchdb-adapter-memory
- react-hooks-testing-library
- React Testing Library (pre installed with Create-React-App)
npm i -D pouchdb-adapter-memory @testing-library/react-hooks @testing-library/react
yarn add -D pouchdb-adapter-memory @testing-library/react-hooks @testing-library/react
pouchdb-adapter-memory is a PouchDB Adapter. Adapters translate how your documents are stored and accessed. For example pouchdb-adapter-http (pre installed on most PouchDB setups) translates them into CouchDB's HTTP API.
But pouchdb-adapter-memory only stores them in memory. Perfect or testing!
react-hooks-testing-library is a really good testing library, specialized in testing React Hooks.
The documentation for it can be found on https://react-hooks-testing-library.com/.
You can use it to test your own hooks. Be they extensions of hooks from usePouchDB
or your own.
React Testing Library
React Testing Library comes pre-installed with create-react-app. It is a testing library that encourage you to test from the users perspective.
The documentation for it can be found at https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/intro.
Your tests should be closed systems. And no test before or after it should influence them. To achieve this I
recommend that you create a new PouchDB database before each test. And that db should have the
// Using jest
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb'
import memory from 'pouchdb-adapter-memory'
// add the adapter to PouchDB
let myPouch = null
beforeEach(() => {
// before each test, create a new DB with the memory adapter.
// nothing will be saved on disc!
myPouch = new PouchDB('test', { adapter: 'memory' })
afterEach(async () => {
// Destroy the database after each test,
// so that no data will be left from the previous test.
await myPouch.destroy()
Also remember, that you must add all needed document before/during the test!
All hooks must be in child components of <Provider />
For React Testing Library you can warp your component with <Provider />
import React from 'react'
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb'
import memory from 'pouchdb-adapter-memory'
import TodoList from './TodoList'
let myPouch = null
beforeEach(() => {
myPouch = new PouchDB('test', { adapter: 'memory' })
afterEach(async () => {
await myPouch.destroy()
test('Test Component', async () => {
// Add needed documents
const putResult = await myPouch.bulkDocs([
_id: new Date(2020, 4, 30, 22, 03, 45, 0).toJSON(),
type: 'todo',
text: 'a todo',
done: false,
_id: new Date(2020, 4, 30, 21, 03, 45, 0).toJSON(),
type: 'todo',
text: 'moar todo',
done: false,
// Render the Component
const { queryByByText } = render(
<Provider pouchdb={db}>
<TodoList />
const first = queryByByText('moar todo')
const second = queryByByText('a todo')
is a method to create/update
multiple docs in one go.
To test hooks that depend on one of usePouchDB
's hooks, you also must warp it in
<Provider />
react-hooks-testing-library's renderHook
function can receive in the second argument a warper
(documented here).
Let's test the addTodo from Add Todos extracted into a hook:
// hooks.js
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { usePouch } from 'use-pouchdb'
// This hook returns a function, which we then call with the todo's text.
export function useAddDoc() {
const db = usePouch()
return useCallback(
text => {
const doc = {
_id: new Date().toJSON(),
type: 'todo',
text: text,
done: false,
return db.put(doc)
import React from 'react'
import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb'
import memory from 'pouchdb-adapter-memory'
import { Provider } from 'use-pouchdb'
import { useAddDoc } from './hooks'
let myPouch = null
beforeEach(() => {
myPouch = new PouchDB('test', { adapter: 'memory' })
afterEach(async () => {
await myPouch.destroy()
test('add document', async () => {
const wrapper = ({ children }) => (
<Provider pouchdb={myPouch}>{children}</Provider>
const { result } = renderHook(() => useAddDoc(), {
expect(typeof result.current).toBe('function')
await result.current('test todo')
const { rows } = await myPouch.allDocs({ include_docs: true })
_id: expect.any(String),
_rev: expect.any(String),
type: 'todo',
text: 'test todo',
done: false,
Now we are finished with our Todo example. All Todos are replicated, users can sign up and log in. I know, this was a long tutorial, but we did cover a lot!
Happy coding! ๐๐