Hi, I'm Christopher!
I’m a scout-leader at DPSG-Eningen and hobby web-developer looking to change my career into web-development.
My passion is in offline first web apps/PWA. I also strife to make my projects welcoming and easier to start.
You can find my projects on Github or in my portfolio.
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usePouchDB - React Hooks for PouchDB
Last fall I (finally) read CouchDB’s Documentation completely. And since I’ve read its security and design documents parts, I can’t get the idea out of my head, that all you need for a CRUD web app is a front end with React + React-Hooks + PouchDB hosted on a static file host. And CouchDB paired with some serverless functions (function as a service) as the backend end.
The next feature in hoodie-plugin-store-crypto
With my package hoodie-plugin-store-crypto reaching version 3.1 and the year 2019 coming to a close, I wanted to write a post about the next feature I’m going to implement:
Experience of publishing a package to npm
Last year I released my first npm-package: hoodie-plugin-store-crypto! It is a plugin for the Hoodie-Project, that allows to save encrypted data on a users store.
A warm thank you to Berlin
In September, this year, I visited the web-conference-marathon of Reject.js, JSConf.eu and CSSConf.eu in Berlin. Which is part of WhatTheFest.
Hello World!
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