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Primarily I program for the web. But it wasn’t where I started programming.

While my education (German “Ausbildung”) to an electronics technicians for automation technology I did learn to program in Instruction list to control production pipelines.

After that I (and the web) taught me web-development. First without any library. Then with React and later with Preact and jQuery. Currently I’m learning Ember.js.

On the server side I started with Express.js and I’m learning Hapi.js. While my database expertise is primarily in PouchDB and CouchDB.

I also did program a small iOS app in Swift. However I did never release it. And I’m a beginner in Java and Rust.


use-pouchdb GitHub repository

usePouchDB is a collection of React Hooks to access local PouchDB Databases.

It is intended to be a puzzle piece in replacing the deprecated CouchApps. And also to make working with PouchDB and CouchDB easier in React Apps.

Every hook corresponds to a PouchDB method. It has the same options and result type. But a different name. A name that is more in the spirit of hooks. For example: PouchDB’s method to load a single document (JSON-Object) db.get(id) becomes useDoc(id).
Additionally every hook subscribes to changes, and updates it’s result to represent the new state in the database.

usePouchDB is entirely written in Typescript.


hoodie-plugin-store-crypto GitHub repository

A plugin for Hoodie that adds methods to add, read, update and delete encrypted documents and enable end-to-end encryption.

I used this package to learn test-driven-development and maintaining a package, that is published on npm. It was originally intended to be only a part of an other project of mine (Andromeda-Viewer), but I quickly recognized that it would be of good use for others.

More can be read in my blog-post about it.


andromeda-viewer GitHub repository

Small web-client for connecting to the virtual worlds of Second Life and OpenSimulator.

This is my project where I can grow all my talents!

  • it must work with a third-party service, over both UDP and HTTP, using not documented protocols.
  • it needs a server.
  • it must run on mobile and desktop.
  • it must be 100% accessible.

Schichtkalender (shift-calendar)

Schichtkalender (shift-calendar) GitHub repository

Hosted at schichtkalender-rt.now.sh.

A unofficial shift-calendar for Bosch in Reutlingen.

The original version is one of my oldest projects. But I realized, that it would be easier to re-write it than update it.

With the new version I focused almost exclusively on a mobile experience. With a release size of 459kb (the bundle with 94,51kb no gzip) I’m on a good way.

It is a PWA and would pass as JAMstack, but without a API-backend. At the moment it is only in German (because it is a utility app for my work). With it I learned a lot about making a web-app accessible for people with little to almost no computer knowledge.

schichtkalender-rt.now.sh schichtkalender-rt.now.sh with open menu

open source

I also contributed some patches to open source projects:


Over the years I also helped to design and implement the CSS for web-sites.

My first page-design was of my scout-groups page dpsg-eningen.de.


Later I lead the team that designed IronScout2018.de.